Photo by Andrijana Bozic on Upsplash
One thing COVID-19 has done definitively is to remind us that we’re not in charge. In fact, it’s a pretty outsized object lesson in that truth. Surely there’s enough that happens in life without a pandemic to convince us that life doesn’t go according to our own scripts.
Still, we do have a love affair with being in charge. This desire to be our own God is as old as the Garden of Eden…..
Whether we admit it or not, most of us want to believe in heaven as the place we go when we die. Its notion that there we will live “happily ever after” echoes our primal fairy tale mentality.
Because of this, some people doubt the Easter story of Jesus’s resurrection…..
Guilt is a peculiar thing. Like fire, it fascinates us at a distance, but we quickly draw our hand away when it gets too close.
Our biblical introduction to guilt speaks clearly to our human instincts. When God confronts the Man and the Woman in the Garden, they rush to exonerate themselves. Instead of asking why the…..