One more thought about Easter before we head into Pentecost this Sunday…
Before Jesus ascends into Heaven, He leaves us with a job to do – namely, to spread the gospel.
The first disciples took this commission very seriously, despite having barely a clue what it would involve. In many cases that testimony cost them their lives.
We are fortunate that the stakes are not so high for us. Still, how do we speak to a world that reads the story of the Bible as old news, and sometimes even “fake” news as well?
Striving to “live” the gospel remains our best first step. But there are times when the Good News begs to be spoken.
I read once something described as the “sin of the desert” – the failure to tell someone lost and thirsty where the water is.
Do you feel inadequate to do this? We should. None of us is truly equal to this challenge. Think how many people over the years have contributed to giving God a bad name.
But the Lord never intended us to do this alone.
Jesus’ final promise was that He would send us the Holy Spirit – the Comforter, but also the Counselor who would guide us through the task of telling others about Christ. Jesus admonishes us not to worry about what to say when we’re under the gun because the Holy Spirit will provide the words (Matthew 10:19-20; Mark 13:11; and Luke 12:11-12).
The world is thirsty. God calls us to be thirst quenchers. Of course we need to fill the empty cup, but sometimes our job is to point to where the well is.
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